Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bunkai Karate pressure points - which really have to work under pressure?

You will get discussed from time to time on Karate Bunkai (applications) with pressure point strikes. Some argue that bruises your techniques to make extremely effective, while others argue that in the heat of the moment are not looking for precisely the point, while someone tried to take the same time.

So who's right? Well, in my humble opinion the truth lies somewhere in between and depends on the circumstances.

If you start a fight 6ftexcept in the area, then the exchange of blows with an opponent capable of, I think it would be difficult (but not impossible) to find pressure point targets. Just think, if it can be sparring against someone of equal skill, it is difficult (this is a great goal) from landing a blow to his upper body, much less to take to find a point of very little pressure. In addition, if only a dump of adrenaline, your motor skills do not work more efficiently. For this reason, many people favorFocusing on the development of your techniques (regardless of type), so you can quickly and efficiently and you will hurt your opponent, where you met them.

On the other side of the coin, however, begins very few fights 6ft apart. They usually start much closer to making rude with the antagonist to the question, "the immorality that are visually observing! Or something like that.

In this scenario, if you really believe that you will be attacked, and hasnot to mention the sense of position in your attacker, at some point, you can make the decision, then you have to beat some sense into him instead. I'm not talking about someone who remembers names or jump a queue, but a real threat of imminent violence. In this scenario, a pre-emptive strike by a point of pressure is much more likely to succeed. The enemy is still posing, and even on Psyching, he is not just not go for him. Do not have a step back to a guard, warns him that onlyAre you an expert martial artist and counsels him to attack even more vigorously.

They are best with what Geoff Thompson called "the wall", opened by hand and separated to a position of neutrality universal engagement feet in a fixed location (but not an attitude of martial arts), his brain a little 'Dialog (none of this - "It is a pity for the polar bears"), then hit him fast and hard as you vulnerable to a point.

Now, some traditionalists may be a bit 'depended on it, as Funikoshi (founder of Shotokan Karate), said that karate is not their first attack. This was seen by many as you stand there and wait for the other person have to throw the first shot was played. Of course this is not very practical. What I really meant was that we were not looking for a fight. In other places Funikoshi has described how to get away from an attacker with no sign of struggle, then a preemptive strike dealto help.

And as I heard Kevin O'Hagan: "You do not really want a fair fight?" At least he will not start.

Of course there are other considerations. First, if the attacker is drunk or on drugs, they can not even much, because the senses are dulled, but their aggression can be increased.

Second, if the attacker is played on Adrenalized and completely, they will not. Have you ever cracked your knuckle sparring against someone else? Do you think"Ouch", take a quick massage and go. But if your shin on a coffee table plan if you are completely relaxed, it seems to hurt like crazy.

Why do you not hear a lot in sparring? Its because you were fully warmed up and the adrenaline flowing. However, if you (or attackers) are squaring up for a real comparison, you have a lot more adrenaline in the body that when sparring. It will worth much more, without even thinking about it .....and so it is! Kevin O'Hagan reports of a case in America where a man attacked a policeman with a knife. The cop shot the guy 4 times, but the striker was unable to sit still and let the police before collapsing. How much you think your pressure point striking Swing against a knife attacker with four balls in his work continues to go.

Boxers are known to break bones of the hand early in a fight, but finished the fight.

I witnessed an incident in a pub, manyYears, where there was a clash between two boys. They wanted to fight the obvious and not others. Very soon my friend, Daren, intervened to calm him down. Daren is now a very big man, solidly built, with a very friendly atmosphere but not the kind of guy who would get on the wrong side.

As Daren tried to calm the assailant, was filled with a total lack of reason and logic. Daren lost patience and went for the boy. It took 3 ofDaren hold us back, cursing and snarling animal angry with his sister tried to dissuade him from it. The boy, who had started it all white. My friend Keith (who can be seen on my blog demonstrates bunkai to do with me) has tried to reassure a pressure point of Daren. Daren in his fury to complete even realizing it.

After some 'calming Daren and the other made a hasty exit (and intelligent). When Daren Keith arrived a few days later and asked him what it was allDaren was about a sly smile and said. "6 months all the stress in minutes"

People are in a very under penalty, if it determines, in anger, adrenalised or just enough to get the job done, it is natural that the pressure points may be limited if someone angry or completely adrenalised.

That is, there are a few points, no matter how drunk, high or Adrenalized is a person who can not resist. An attack on the respiratory routethey are not the work of breathing, almost always, was a strike or a choke. However, it could be much more of an anger someone, if they can not breathe, can not fight.

Attach the carotid sinus (side of the neck where you feel the pulse), causes blood pressure to fall in the brain and so the attackers arrived. This can be done with strikes (particularly the hand knife) or strangled.

In addition, a blow up to the chin or side of the jaw line leads to "jump" from the brainthe back of the skull, such as non-consciousness.

These points (and a few others) should normally work under different conditions, although they tend to have a pre-emptive strike as a struggle of all the success.

While I think the pressure points are precious and to place it there, should not be treated as short or as a substitute to perfect your technique. While most people recognize that technology is only 50% more efficient when under pressure, 50% goodThe technique is much better than 50% of a bad technique. If you are not able to get in a preemptive strike, you will simply hit the attacker as hard as you can wherever you can, for a good target is available. Until then, however, can become adrenalised local opening, as a side effect of adrenaline, the blood goes from the brain to the muscles and slows the thinking process.

Even if you're lucky, a good pre-emptive attackStrike, strike that need quickly, hard and often with a certain angle we are right back on a good technology.

Russell Stutely as Europe's number one leading expert in the fight against the pressure point recognized. I remember one of his newsletters, where people had to ask him why he spends so much time to do the pressure points in writing. However, his response was that he only has a small amount of training on pressure points, with most of his personal development, the fundamental powerdevelopment etc., if you look at the formation of franchising Russell, deals with points of balance, energy production and other issues before you start on the pressure points. So if Europe's number one expert on pressure points Kata Bunkai no abbreviations and abandonment of its principles, we should not.

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